Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2413-6522 (print)
Periodicity (English)


Russian science citation index:
Yes 55493
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Main requirements to the article:

  • The volume of the article: 8-20 pages (11-36 thousand characters with spaces).
  • Structure of the article: introduction, main part, conclusions.
  • Title, annotation, keywords (translated into English).
  • The article should emphasize the purpose of the study.
  • List of sources: 10-20 (only peer-reviewed sources).
  • For each table and picture, the source or signature "Compiled by the author" must be specified.
  • Information about all co-authors (full name, organization, position, e-mail, ORCID or SPIN). Information to fill in by authors.

The article file must contain:


2. Article title, annotation, and keywords

3. Funding information: grant or program (if available)

4. Text of article with subheadings, borrowings and references to sources

5. Thanks (if any)

6. List of sources

7. The author's liability provision

* Please do not provide a common email address (cathedral or used by multiple authors).

* * To obtain a SPIN code, register with the SCIENCE INDEX system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (http://elibrary.ru/author_info.asp?isnew=1&inreestr=on).

Registration may take several weeks. If you haven't already received SPIN, it won't be a problem this time. But don't forget to get it by the next post.

* * * You can get ORCID by registering at ORCID.ORG (https://orcid.org/register). It only takes a few minutes. Specify this ID every time you send an article for publication or a report to a conference.


2. Article title, annotation, and keywords

The title should briefly reflect the work done and the results achieved. It is worth avoiding too common names affecting a wide area. The volume annotation should be within 100-250 words (6-8 sentences). According to its structure, it should repeat the content of the article, that is, briefly justify the relevance of the chosen topic, disclose the main actions in the research process and the results obtained by the author. Keywords should be 3-5 (words or phrases), they should consist of terms that determine the subject area of ​ ​ the article.


3. Sources of funding

If your work was funded by a grant or program, please include it before the article.

For example, the study was carried out with the financial support of RFFI in the framework of scientific project No. 13-00-00001 a.


4. Text of the article

The text of the article should contain an introduction, the main part and conclusions. Note the scope of the article should be in

8-36 thousand characters with spaces (5-20 pages of text in Word, Times New Roman, 14, one and a half intervals). The sections in the article (their names) must be in bold and italic. Articles are accepted only with the original author's text, borrowings in the amount of no more than 10% must be drawn up with references to sources. Tables must be prepared by Word tools (not figures in JPEG, TIFF, BMP format) and located inside the text of the article.

Other illustrations (figures, diagram diagrams, etc.) are also located inside the text of the article. For tables and figures, the source or signature "Compiled by the author" must be specified. You must specify a data source for the authoring tables. For each abbreviation, including names and terms, a decryption shall be indicated at the first reference in the text, for example... NGOs (non-profit organizations) or... ODR (simplified taxation system).

5. Thanks (if any).

This is an optional section. In it, you can thank all those whose contribution to the work was not decisive, but who helped at various stages of the study, for example, translators, consultants, reviewers, etc.

6. Sources

The list of sources should include all those and only those Russian and foreign sources that were used in the study. We have no formal restrictions on the number of citations of the author's works. The recommended number of sources on average should be 2 per page of text. This does not mean at all that there should be 2 quotes on each page, but, for example, for an article of 12 pages, the volume of 20-30 sources will be normal. If possible, indicate active links (http ://...) to the sources used, for articles or monographs, this may be a link to a page on the publisher's website or a page for publication in the RSCI (on elibrary.ru).

7. The author's liability provision

Read the following lines and copy them to the end of the article file. The author guarantees that the above material was not previously published in Russian, and is also not under consideration in another journal. The author guarantees that all copyright is respected in the above material: among the authors, all those and only those who made a significant contribution to the study are indicated, for all borrowed fragments (text quotes, tables, figures and formulas) sources are indicated that allow identifying their author. The author is aware that the facts of scientific bad faith revealed both during the review process and after the publication of the article (plagiarism, re-publication, disclosure of protected data) can lead not only to the withdrawal of the article from publication, but also to criminal prosecution by those whose rights will be violated as a result of the publication of the text. Articles of authors who cannot or do not consider it necessary to be responsible for the materials provided are not considered by the editors.

This Statement regulates the rules of conduct for the purpose of preventing and permitting in the publication format of these permits, in particular, the following issues:

  • plagiarism
  • re-publication
  • incorrect attribution
  • forced citation
  • falsification of data
  • disclosure of confidential data
  • conflict of interest

Basic principles

For authors:

All articles submitted for publication must meet the following criteria:

  • The article should contain only the results of the work of the team of authors, plagiarism is not allowed
  • At the time of submission, the article should not be published or under review in another publication.
  • The article should indicate as authors all those and only those researchers who made a significant intellectual contribution to obtaining the results. It is assumed that at the time of submission of the article, all authors agree with the publication in one particular edition and do not object to the order of authors in the article.
  • The article should be cited only by those peer-reviewed sources that were actually used in the course of the study.
  • Data, based on the author's collective research, obtained from authoritative sources. Readers should be able to obtain and verify the original data.

For reviewers and editors:

Reviewers and editors in their work must strictly adhere to the following principles:

  • Each manuscript is treated as a confidential document. Any dissemination and publication of the received peer review results, including for the purpose of open peer review, as well as for personal use, is not offered.
  • The object of peer review is the result of the research, not the author. The expert opinion must be impartial. Personal criticism of the author is not allowed, as well as argumentation in expert opinions with reference to gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author.
  • The reviewer can only perform a voluntary assessment of those manuscripts that correspond to his area of ​​scientific and professional interests. Does not allow forcing an expert to review, regardless of whether the article corresponds to his interests. If it is impossible to conduct an examination at the proper level or within a reasonable time for other reasons, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editor-in-chief about this, since only this decision will be made by the expert.
  • The purpose of the review is to express the expert's own opinion on the reliability, novelty and significance of the results obtained. It is prohibited to compel an expert to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for his or her opinion.

Unacceptable violations and liability.

Before publication:

If a violation of the normal state of ethics is established at the stage of consideration of the article, this may serve as a sufficient basis for refusal in such a case until the violation is completely corrected. Violation of publication ethics by a reviewer or editor may serve as a basis for cooperation on the part of the journal. Identified and substantiated facts of violation of such a mandatory publication on the journal's website.

After publication:

Violations identified after the publication of the article are subject to detailed review by stakeholders in accordance with the practices recommended by the Publication Ethics Committee. Minor violations can be corrected by publishing a white paper. Significant violations entail the removal of the article from publication with notification of this on the pages and on the website of the journal. Significance of the violation by the party whose interests were infringed upon as a result of such violation.

1. All materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject matter of the journal are subject to mandatory review before publication with the involvement of at least two experts - specialists on the subject matter of the reviewed materials. All reviewers must have publications within the last 3 years on the subject of the reviewed article. Reviews are kept in the editorial office for at least 5 years.

2. Peer review is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

3. The article may be rejected without being sent for peer review due to inconsistency with the subject of the journal or the presence of significant deficiencies in the design or violations of publication ethics.

4. The decision to send an article for review is made by the editor-in-chief or a temporary substitute employee based on the results of an assessment of the article's compliance with the journal's subject matter, design principles, publication ethics requirements, and a preliminary technical assessment of the text's originality.

5. The article is sent for review by at least two specialists in the subject area of ​​the article in question. Both members of the editorial board of the journal and external experts can be involved in the peer review process.

6. The review uses a blind or double-blind method. The main method is double blind peer review (author and reviewer do not know each other). One-sided blind reviewing (the author does not know the reviewer, but the reviewer sees information about the author) can be used in some cases when considering articles with a pronounced practical focus.

7. The reviewer has the right to refuse to review the article if the article does not correspond to the topic of his research, there is a possible conflict of interest, and also if the reviewer cannot submit a review within the agreed time frame for personal reasons.

8. The content of the review represents the personal opinion of the reviewer about the scientific novelty, the practical significance of the article, the sufficiency of the source base and the presence or absence of methodological and factual errors. The reviewer's conclusion may contain one of the recommendations “Recommended for publication”, “Recommended with revision”, “Considerable revision and re-review is recommended”, “Not recommended for publication”.

9. The decision to publish an article is made by the editor-in-chief or a temporary substitute for him on the basis of the reviews received.

10. The original versions of reviews are kept by the Publishing House for at least 5 years and can be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request to the editorial office.

Publication cost: 7500.00 rubles.

The translation of metadata and the design of an article on international requirements are included in the cost. Cost of 1 printed copy: 550.00 rubles.

You can order any quantity, delivery is included in the price.

Kozhevnikov Il'ya  — Secretary
Ltd Radomir-M+
Russian Federation
Ltd Radomir-M+
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС 77-55856

Main requirements to the article:

  • The volume of the article: 8-20 pages (11-36 thousand characters with spaces).
  • Structure of the article: introduction, main part, conclusions.
  • Title, annotation, keywords (translated into English).
  • The article should emphasize the purpose of the study.
  • List of sources: 10-20 (only peer-reviewed sources).
  • For each table and picture, the source or signature "Compiled by the author" must be specified.
  • Information about all co-authors (full name, organization, position, e-mail, ORCID or SPIN). Information to fill in by authors.

The article file must contain:


2. Article title, annotation, and keywords

3. Funding information: grant or program (if available)

4. Text of article with subheadings, borrowings and references to sources

5. Thanks (if any)

6. List of sources

7. The author's liability provision

* Please do not provide a common email address (cathedral or used by multiple authors).

* * To obtain a SPIN code, register with the SCIENCE INDEX system of the Russian Scientific Citation Index (http://elibrary.ru/author_info.asp?isnew=1&inreestr=on).

Registration may take several weeks. If you haven't already received SPIN, it won't be a problem this time. But don't forget to get it by the next post.

* * * You can get ORCID by registering at ORCID.ORG (https://orcid.org/register). It only takes a few minutes. Specify this ID every time you send an article for publication or a report to a conference.


2. Article title, annotation, and keywords

The title should briefly reflect the work done and the results achieved. It is worth avoiding too common names affecting a wide area. The volume annotation should be within 100-250 words (6-8 sentences). According to its structure, it should repeat the content of the article, that is, briefly justify the relevance of the chosen topic, disclose the main actions in the research process and the results obtained by the author. Keywords should be 3-5 (words or phrases), they should consist of terms that determine the subject area of ​ ​ the article.


3. Sources of funding

If your work was funded by a grant or program, please include it before the article.

For example, the study was carried out with the financial support of RFFI in the framework of scientific project No. 13-00-00001 a.


4. Text of the article

The text of the article should contain an introduction, the main part and conclusions. Note the scope of the article should be in

8-36 thousand characters with spaces (5-20 pages of text in Word, Times New Roman, 14, one and a half intervals). The sections in the article (their names) must be in bold and italic. Articles are accepted only with the original author's text, borrowings in the amount of no more than 10% must be drawn up with references to sources. Tables must be prepared by Word tools (not figures in JPEG, TIFF, BMP format) and located inside the text of the article.

Other illustrations (figures, diagram diagrams, etc.) are also located inside the text of the article. For tables and figures, the source or signature "Compiled by the author" must be specified. You must specify a data source for the authoring tables. For each abbreviation, including names and terms, a decryption shall be indicated at the first reference in the text, for example... NGOs (non-profit organizations) or... ODR (simplified taxation system).

5. Thanks (if any).

This is an optional section. In it, you can thank all those whose contribution to the work was not decisive, but who helped at various stages of the study, for example, translators, consultants, reviewers, etc.

6. Sources

The list of sources should include all those and only those Russian and foreign sources that were used in the study. We have no formal restrictions on the number of citations of the author's works. The recommended number of sources on average should be 2 per page of text. This does not mean at all that there should be 2 quotes on each page, but, for example, for an article of 12 pages, the volume of 20-30 sources will be normal. If possible, indicate active links (http ://...) to the sources used, for articles or monographs, this may be a link to a page on the publisher's website or a page for publication in the RSCI (on elibrary.ru).

7. The author's liability provision

Read the following lines and copy them to the end of the article file. The author guarantees that the above material was not previously published in Russian, and is also not under consideration in another journal. The author guarantees that all copyright is respected in the above material: among the authors, all those and only those who made a significant contribution to the study are indicated, for all borrowed fragments (text quotes, tables, figures and formulas) sources are indicated that allow identifying their author. The author is aware that the facts of scientific bad faith revealed both during the review process and after the publication of the article (plagiarism, re-publication, disclosure of protected data) can lead not only to the withdrawal of the article from publication, but also to criminal prosecution by those whose rights will be violated as a result of the publication of the text. Articles of authors who cannot or do not consider it necessary to be responsible for the materials provided are not considered by the editors.

This Statement regulates the rules of conduct for the purpose of preventing and permitting in the publication format of these permits, in particular, the following issues:

  • plagiarism
  • re-publication
  • incorrect attribution
  • forced citation
  • falsification of data
  • disclosure of confidential data
  • conflict of interest

Basic principles

For authors:

All articles submitted for publication must meet the following criteria:

  • The article should contain only the results of the work of the team of authors, plagiarism is not allowed
  • At the time of submission, the article should not be published or under review in another publication.
  • The article should indicate as authors all those and only those researchers who made a significant intellectual contribution to obtaining the results. It is assumed that at the time of submission of the article, all authors agree with the publication in one particular edition and do not object to the order of authors in the article.
  • The article should be cited only by those peer-reviewed sources that were actually used in the course of the study.
  • Data, based on the author's collective research, obtained from authoritative sources. Readers should be able to obtain and verify the original data.

For reviewers and editors:

Reviewers and editors in their work must strictly adhere to the following principles:

  • Each manuscript is treated as a confidential document. Any dissemination and publication of the received peer review results, including for the purpose of open peer review, as well as for personal use, is not offered.
  • The object of peer review is the result of the research, not the author. The expert opinion must be impartial. Personal criticism of the author is not allowed, as well as argumentation in expert opinions with reference to gender, nationality, religion and other personal qualities of the author.
  • The reviewer can only perform a voluntary assessment of those manuscripts that correspond to his area of ​​scientific and professional interests. Does not allow forcing an expert to review, regardless of whether the article corresponds to his interests. If it is impossible to conduct an examination at the proper level or within a reasonable time for other reasons, the reviewer is obliged to notify the editor-in-chief about this, since only this decision will be made by the expert.
  • The purpose of the review is to express the expert's own opinion on the reliability, novelty and significance of the results obtained. It is prohibited to compel an expert to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for his or her opinion.

Unacceptable violations and liability.

Before publication:

If a violation of the normal state of ethics is established at the stage of consideration of the article, this may serve as a sufficient basis for refusal in such a case until the violation is completely corrected. Violation of publication ethics by a reviewer or editor may serve as a basis for cooperation on the part of the journal. Identified and substantiated facts of violation of such a mandatory publication on the journal's website.

After publication:

Violations identified after the publication of the article are subject to detailed review by stakeholders in accordance with the practices recommended by the Publication Ethics Committee. Minor violations can be corrected by publishing a white paper. Significant violations entail the removal of the article from publication with notification of this on the pages and on the website of the journal. Significance of the violation by the party whose interests were infringed upon as a result of such violation.

1. All materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject matter of the journal are subject to mandatory review before publication with the involvement of at least two experts - specialists on the subject matter of the reviewed materials. All reviewers must have publications within the last 3 years on the subject of the reviewed article. Reviews are kept in the editorial office for at least 5 years.

2. Peer review is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

3. The article may be rejected without being sent for peer review due to inconsistency with the subject of the journal or the presence of significant deficiencies in the design or violations of publication ethics.

4. The decision to send an article for review is made by the editor-in-chief or a temporary substitute employee based on the results of an assessment of the article's compliance with the journal's subject matter, design principles, publication ethics requirements, and a preliminary technical assessment of the text's originality.

5. The article is sent for review by at least two specialists in the subject area of ​​the article in question. Both members of the editorial board of the journal and external experts can be involved in the peer review process.

6. The review uses a blind or double-blind method. The main method is double blind peer review (author and reviewer do not know each other). One-sided blind reviewing (the author does not know the reviewer, but the reviewer sees information about the author) can be used in some cases when considering articles with a pronounced practical focus.

7. The reviewer has the right to refuse to review the article if the article does not correspond to the topic of his research, there is a possible conflict of interest, and also if the reviewer cannot submit a review within the agreed time frame for personal reasons.

8. The content of the review represents the personal opinion of the reviewer about the scientific novelty, the practical significance of the article, the sufficiency of the source base and the presence or absence of methodological and factual errors. The reviewer's conclusion may contain one of the recommendations “Recommended for publication”, “Recommended with revision”, “Considerable revision and re-review is recommended”, “Not recommended for publication”.

9. The decision to publish an article is made by the editor-in-chief or a temporary substitute for him on the basis of the reviews received.

10. The original versions of reviews are kept by the Publishing House for at least 5 years and can be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request to the editorial office.

Publication cost: 7500.00 rubles.

The translation of metadata and the design of an article on international requirements are included in the cost. Cost of 1 printed copy: 550.00 rubles.

You can order any quantity, delivery is included in the price.


                        Kremneva Svetlana N
Kremneva Svetlana N College for Small Business № 4, Moscow

                        Kruck Vladimir
Kruck Vladimir Military University of the Ministry of Defence

                        Krutov Danila
Krutov Danila SBD TsSPSiD "Harmony"

                        Krutko (Busygina) Inna Sergeevna
Krutko (Busygina) Inna Sergeevna Liberal Arts University

                        Krutko I S
Krutko I S Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin

                        Kuznetsov A S
Kuznetsov A S St. Petersburg military institute of national guard troops of the Russian Federation

                        Kuznetsova A M
Kuznetsova A M Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

                        Kuznetsova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Kuznetsova Ekaterina Viktorovna Surgut State University

                        Kuzmenko Galina Anatolievna
Kuzmenko Galina Anatolievna Moscow Pedagogical State University

                        Kulikov E S
Kulikov E S Siberian State Medical University

                        Kuramshina D R
Kuramshina D R Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov

                        Kurganov Sergey Alexandrovich
Kurganov Sergey Alexandrovich Moscow State Regional University

                        Kushnarev V M
Kushnarev V M Bauman Moscow State Technical University

                        Kushnareva T M
Kushnareva T M North-Caucasus Federal University

                        Ladilova Valeria
Ladilova Valeria Moscow State Pedagogical University

                        Lazarev Sergey V
Lazarev Sergey V Bauman Moscow State Technical University

                        Lazarev S V
Lazarev S V Bauman Moscow State Technical University

                        Lazarev, S V
Lazarev, S V Bauman Moscow state technical University

                        Laptev A S
Laptev A S Moscow state psychology and pedagogical university

                        Laptev A S
Laptev A S Moscow State Univeristy of Psychology and Education

Kozhevnikov Il'ya  — Secretary
Ltd Radomir-M+

Russian Federation


Code 19.00.00
Name Психология


Code 15
Name Психология

ANISIMOV Oleg Sergeevich - Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences, Russian Ecological Academy, Academy of Social Technologies and Local Self-Government, Academy of Social and Pedagogical Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Acmeology and Psychology of Professional Activity of the Russian Academy of National Economy and State service under the President of the Russian Federation.


The scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal Living Psychology is published quarterly and aims to become an expert and information center in the field of practical psychology within the framework of a humanistic approach. The journal publishes materials of various nature from the following scientific sections of psychology: clinical psychology, sports psychology, social, family and applied psychology, acmeology. The journal gives priority to development psychology and research in the field of a person's lifestyle and life guidelines. The main content of the journal consists of research results and analytical reviews. The journal also publishes additional materials, including event announcements, reviews, letters and collections of practical recommendations for the use of published methodological materials.

Why should we publish an article? Possibility of evaluation of research results by leading Russian and foreign specialists in the field of psychology. Publishing an article in the public domain is the most effective way to advance your work.

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